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Spectrum Global Education LTD
Spectrum Global Education LTD
parent company of English Den Enterprise
  • Look in to the Future

    Study Abroad or seek admission in Nigeria with ease
  • Study in Canada

    Hassle free admission process to study in Canada for undergraduate or postgraduate programmes.

  • Experience Liberal Art of Education

    Get admitted to best universities in the USA and perhaps earn a scholarship to study abroad.
  • Earn Global Certification!

    Learn from world leading universities; study in the UK

International Admission
Local Admission
International Admission

Why Study Abroad

Rich and Broad Academic Experience

Diverse Cultural integration

international networking and exposure

Core Career Development

Robust Personal Growth

Programme Pathways
Certificate Programme to study abroad

Certificate Programmes

Certificates programmes generally would be suitable for you if you are looking up to a programme duration not longer than maximum of 6 months. Study destinations like Canada, UK, America and Australia are viable options for this pathway.

Undergraduate Programme to study abroad

Undergraduate Programmes

Apply for admission to study abroad for any Bachelors programme of your choice. You may even be eligible for international students scholarship. There may be need to take some preparatory test to secure admission, depending on your choice of your school and / or school

Postgraduate studies abroad

Postgraduate  Programmes

Whether you seek a Graduate Diploma, Masters or PhD, this is the best option for you. Apply to study in your specific area of interest in any study of your choice. There are also opportunities for Graduate Teaching Assistance and general research funding.

Steps to Studying Abroad

Step 1
Admission Counselling


Our career advisor are on standby to advise and guide you through decision making on what you need to do, most especially in the areas of course selection, institutional choice and funding

Step 2
Admission preparatory test

Test Preparation where Applicable

This stage may or may not be necessary for all. However, subject to country of choice and institution application may be required to write any or some of the following tests:

Step 3
Admission Counselling

Admission Applications

You can edit text on your website by double clicking on a text box on your website. Alternatively, when you select a text box a settings menu will appear. your website by double clicking on a text box on your website. Alternatively, when you select a text box.

Step 4
Student Visa Application Agent

Visa Processing /  Application

Processes of student Visa vary from country to country but which ever way, we take you through what needed to be done and how it should be done to achieve success, as this forms a critical part of your journey to studying abroad

Step 4
Admission Counselling


We must say congratulations at this stage because you are set to fly. At this point you shall be having encounter with our international correspondent(s), who would take you through pre-depature trainings / briefing, flight ticket supports and all other travelling plans

Step 6
Study Abroad agent in Ikorodu


From here, we bid you goodbye and well wishes to have a meritorious study experience in your country of study

Admission Checklists

Depending on your course, institution and study destination of choice, admission requirements would vary. However, on a general note, the under-listed should be consider for availability when planning study abroad:

Institutional Documents

This consists of:

  • Certificate(s)
  • Academic Transcripts
  • Scratch Card / Result Checker (As applicable or as might be required)
  • Transcript Evaluation (might or might not be needed)
  • Reference(s) (where applicable)

Travelling Documents

This include:

  • International Passport
  • Medical Test Result (might be needed for visa processing depending on destination)

Financial Documents

This include:

  • Bank Statement
  • Bank Reference  (might be needed for visa processing depending on destination)
  • Letter of Sponsorship / Certificate of Support (depending on destination)

Supplemental Documents

This document(s) might be required subject to institution or the type of programme of entry:

  • Personal Statement / Statement of Purpose
  • Referee(s)
Local Admission

Our Institutional Partners